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Sunday, May 23
Free Candy, with Amanda & Julia
Free! just like it says, 7 p.m., www.readjulia.com/freecandy.htm, freecandy@readjulia.com
Attendance: 18

Remember that Seinfeld episode where they found the set from the old Merv Griffin show in the trash, and proceeded to put on a talk show? Yeah, it's like that, but even more funnier and relevant, since each month Amanda and Julia host St. Louis notables, the famous and infamous, all on our glorious purple couch. Last month's highlight? That'd have to be the Boxing Granny. We broadcast live to an appreciative crowd of, say, 35 folks and the only place you can catch it is in our studio audience. Thrills, chills and sometimes spills — but always the house band, The Sugar Daddies, and of course, free candy. Pull up a couch and watch the mirth unfold.